The Government of Georgia will host the 5th OGP Global Summit in Tbilisi, Georgia, on July 17-19, 2018. The Summit will provide an excellent opportunity for leaders from OGP’s 76 participating countries, local governments, and beyond to exchange ideas on how they are making their governments more transparent, accountable, and responsive to citizens.

Please register for the Global Summit at www.ogpsummit.org and send your questions and/or feedback to summit@opengovpartnership.org.

Viravanallur Krishnakumar

World Bank
Practice Manager for Solutions and Innovations in Procurement
United States
V.S. (Krish) Krishnakumar is the Practice Manager for Solutions and Innovations in Procurement in the World Bank’s Governance Global Practice. In that role he oversees the implementation of the World Bank’s procurement policies as well as several programs focused on enhancing transparency, citizen participation, developing innovative and practical approaches to procurement while simultaneously dealing with difficult policy and operational issues at the regional, county and sector levels.

Krish serves as a recognized authority on operational procurement, advising management, staff and client countries on strategy and long-range interventions on procurement policy/systemic issues and related operational issues across sectors and typically impacting individual countries or operations as a whole. He has been working with the World Bank for the past 20 years.

He previously worked as General Manager of a UK based procurement and export agency/consulting firm operating from South Africa. Prior to that, for about 15 years, he worked in Zambia as Head of Procurement for one of the world's largest copper mining companies. Krish has been doing significant work in the procurement and contracting arena in public and private sectors for over 35 years.